4 July 2017
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MPIfR - 0.02

Kinematics and radio emission of the multiple stellar systems AB Dor and HD 160934


  • Dr. Rebecca S. AZULAY

Primary authors



Radio observations play an important role to understand the processes involved in the formation and evolution of stellar and substellar objects. In this context, we have made several contributions to binary stars belonging to the AB Doradus moving group, namely, AB Dor A/C (Guirado et al. 2006; 2011), AB Dor Ba/Bb (Azulay et al. 2015), and HD 160934 A/c (Azulay et al. 2014; 2017). In these cases, VLBI astrometric programs provided precise estimates of the dynamical mass of the individual components, providing relevant results in terms of calibration of the mass-luminosity relationship for young, low-mass objects. We intend to extend the study of these binaries with new observations at different frequencies directed to characterize the radio emission from each one of the components and to refine the determination of the orbital elements and dynamical masses.