This one-day symposium will cover selected topics in radio astronomy, in particular the work done since the 1990s to advance very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) and millimetre-wavelength astronomy. This research has shed light on the variability of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), the intricate details of AGN jets, and the environments surrounding black holes, and has improved our understanding of compact radio sources.
On Monday 24 March at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Thomas Krichbaum's career will be celebrated in a symposium attended by his former students, collaborators and colleagues. The event will be an afternoon of reflection, where scientific presentations combined with personal remarks will highlight not only his professional achievements, but also his inspiring mentorship and collegiality. In commemorating his work, the symposium will celebrate the personal and scientific qualities that were integral to Thomas' career. Further details of the agenda and additional information for participants will be available shortly.