ORP-WP3/JA2 core group meeting

chaired by Rob Beswick
Friday, 15 March 2024 from to (Europe/Berlin)
at Zoom link: : https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/65794853709?pwd=S1MwR1VqWXpDc29VQjNQT0ZiRU5xZz09 ( Zoom Code: 336702 )

Zoom Connection: https://eu02web.zoom-x.de/j/65794853709?pwd=S1MwR1VqWXpDc29VQjNQT0ZiRU5xZz09

Code: 336702

Note: Meeting will be recorded (reason: for the minutes)


  1. ORP updates (if any) – Iza/Rob
  2. JA2 leads brief status updates, inc. - all
    1. Progress/issues/staffing etc
    2. Upcoming deliverables/milestones – status
  3.  Any issues with timelines?
  4. JA2.2 – Multi-Facility call – update of status/progress/actions – Rob/Marjolein
  5. AOB  


ORP  project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004719

Participants Rob Beswick; Jacqueline Casado Iglesias; Janneke de Boer; Dan Dicken ; Paul Harrison; Izabela Rottmann; Marjolein Verkouter; Lukasz Wyrzykowski; Granger Yan
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