The Focus Meeting will be held on 7 and 8 August 2024 in the time slots
FM5 - 1 — 7 Aug 2024 — 10:30 - 12:00
FM5 - 2 — 7 Aug 2024 — 13:30 - 15:00
FM5 - 3 — 7 Aug 2024 — 15:30 - 17:00
FM5 - 4 — 8 Aug 2024 — 10:30 - 12:00
FM5 - 5 — 8 Aug 2024 — 13:30 - 15:00
FM5 - 6 — 8 Aug 2024 — 15:30 - 17:00
The current talk schedule and list of posters can be found here (Notice that this can be subject to small changes).
Potentially updated information can be found by navigating to the Programme tab on the IAU GA 2024 website. Also the talk abstracts will be published there.
The plenary time is divided into two alternating themes, "Advances in current and future radio astronomy in the light of increasing radio frequency interference" and "Protecting radio astronomy". Each theme is further subdivided into 6 sessions. such that the Focus Meeting will have 12 different sessions. In addition, plenary sessions will focus on the discussion whether it is possible to define most important radio bands and which they are, as well as the comparison of challenges, solutions, and protection strategies in the various wavebands.
Sessions in block "Advances in current and future radio astronomy and their feasibility in the light of increasing radio frequency interference":
- Milestone science with the local and the redshifted neutral hydrogen line, including line stacking (and limitations through RFI)
- New and future discoveries observing molecular lines and radio recombination lines (and limitations through RFI)
- Present and expected science in radio continuum astrophysics (and limitations through RFI)
- The most important questions in pulsar- and transient research (and limitations through RFI)
- Discoveries and the future path for VLBI (and limitations through RFI)
- Radio astronomy on the Moon (and limitations through RFI)
Sessions in block "Protecting radio astronomy":
- Frequency coverage and technology of present and future receivers
- Setting the scene: Current and future threats
- RFI hardware excision techniques
- RFI software excision techniques
- Regulatory processes at the national and international level, including local regulatory and hybrid measures to protect radio astronomy
- Comparison and synergies with astronomy protection across the radio bands and at other wavelengths
Discussion about priority bands:
- Priority bands in the upcoming decade(s) for the neutral hydrogen line, comparison and synergies in protection and mitigation strategies across the radio bands
- Priority bands in the upcoming decade(s) for molecular line, comparison and synergies in protection and mitigation strategies across the radio bands
- Priority bands in the upcoming decade(s) for continuum radio astronomy, comparison and synergies in protection and mitigation strategies across the radio bands
- Priority bands in the upcoming decade(s) for radio transient science, comparison and synergies in protection and mitigation strategies across the radio bands
- Priority bands in the upcoming decade(s) for VLBI, comparison and synergies in protection and mitigation strategies across the radio bands
- Priority bands in the upcoming decade(s) on the Moon, comparison and synergies in protection and mitigation strategies across the radio bands
- Final discussion: Comparison and synergies with astronomy protection across the radio spectrum and at other wavelengths