7-8 August 2024
IAU General Assembly 2024 in Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Banner - The future of radio astronomy in an increasingly crowded spectrum



This Focus Meeting aims at an overview about the current status of radio astronomy within its various frequency ranges, in continuum, line, and time domain astronomy, and how it could be protected from the increasing impact of radio frequency interference from other users of the radio spectrum. The most important recent discoveries and an outlook of radio astronomy will be discussed. This will be complemented by a discussion of the current threats to future radio astronomical infrastructure and technical-, software-, and regulatory instruments to reduce the impact of radio interference. The potential identification of priority bands, which should be especially protected, will be discussed.

Key topics

  • Current advances and scientific highlights in radio astronomy across the spectrum in the light of increasing radio frequency interference: HI, molecular lines, continuum, VLBI, transients, and radio astronomy on the moon

  • Frequency coverage and technology of present and future receivers

  • Current and future impact of RFI on radio astronomy

  • RFI excision and its limitations

  • Regulatory processes at the national and international level

  • Local regulatory and hybrid measures to protect radio astronomy

  • Priority bands for the upcoming decade(s)

Starts 7 Aug 2024 10:30
Ends 8 Aug 2024 17:00
IAU General Assembly 2024 in Cape Town
Cape Town International Convention Centre
The banner of the Focus Meeting was created using material by B. Winkel, B. Gehlot, NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Marenfeld, IAU/CPS, D. Futselaar, EHT, R. Keller, MPIfR.