2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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CJD Bonn Castell

Event Horizon and Environs (ETHER) Sample: VLBA Imaging of 11 more Supermassive Black Holes


  • Dr. Dhanya G. NAIR

Primary authors


In this talk, we will first present the Event Horizon and Environs (ETHER) sample compiled with an extensive sample of black hole masses and radio-to-sub-mm fluxes to select and enhance targets for Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and next-generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT). Currently, the ETHER database consists of ~3.8 million supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass estimates, ~19.3K VLBI radio fluxes, and ~14K hard X-ray fluxes. We will also present the results from an extensive 1 mm survey of 236 large-ring supermassive black holes selected from the ETHER sample with black hole ring size > 3.0 micro-arcsec using the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) and Submillimeter Array (SMA) conducted in 2022-23. The constrained 1 mm fluxes obtained from this survey are a timely requirement to drive the technical requirements of the ngEHT.

In this talk, we will also discuss the 43 GHz VLBA observations and imaging results of a sub-sample of 11 supermassive black holes' with ring size > 3 micro-arcsec selected from the ETHER sample (which can be imaged with the EHT on a scale better than 100 gravitational radii). Constraining the 43 GHz nuclear fluxes and morphology of these 11 ETHER targets will enable future deep imaging of this optimal sub-sample with GMVA+ALMA, and EHT+ALMA, thus constraining General Relativity and the physics of jet launching and accretion inflows, over a large multi-parameter space. We will also present preliminary results of our GMVA+ALMA deep observations of the largest ring sources in the ETHER sample: Messier 84, and NGC5077; and the snapshot GMVA+ALMA observations of five SMBHs, which will all offer a unique opportunity to resolve and image accretion inflows and jets at less than 100 gravitational radii resolution in a sample of nearby low luminosity AGNs.