- evn2024@mpifr.de
AGN jets from formation to dissipation
- Dr. Anne-Kathrin BACZKO
Primary authors
- Dr. Anne-Kathrin BACZKO (Chalmers University)
- Prof. Matthias KADLER (JMU Würzburg)
- Prof. Eduardo ROS (MPI für Radioastronomie)
- Dr. Thomas KRICHBAUM (MPI für Radioastronomie)
- Dr. Tuomas SAVOLAINEN (Aalto Univ./Metsähovi Radio Observatory)
- Dr. Luca RICCI (JMU Würzburg)
- Dr. Dhanya G. NAIR (Univ. Concepción)
- Prof. Manel PERUCHO (Universitat de València)
- Mr. Dongjin KIM (MPI für Radioastronomie)
- Dr. Etienne BONNASSIEUX (JMU Würzburg)
- Dr. Christian FROMM (JMU Würzburg)
The process of jet formation and collimation in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) as well as their interaction with the host galaxy are still key open problems despite decades of astrophysical studies. While cm- and mm-VLBI studies have made progress in understanding jet collimation in strongly Doppler-boosted one-sided jets, the symmetry of these systems and the interplay with the properties of the host galaxy are still poorly understood. On the other hand, AGN feedback and black hole feeding can be probed with sub-arcsecond resolution by telescopes such as the International LOFAR Telescope, eMERLIN, and Jansky-VLA. To improve our understanding of jetted AGN, we need to connect these two scales from mpc to Mpc. This is challenging with current instruments, but has good prospects with future advances represented by the SKA and the ngVLA. In this talk I will present first results of combining these different scales to follow the evolution of jets from formation to dissipation in a pilot study of misaligned jets combining HSA, EVN+eMERLIN, and LOFAR. Special emphasis will be placed on the LINER NGC 3894, which shows a change in its jet position angle of at least 40 degrees, visible only on VLBI scale. To overcome the problem of the low number statistics of VLBI studies of double-sided jets required for symmetry studies, I will present possible solutions using clustering algorithms on large radio astronomical datasets such as the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey.