2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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CJD Bonn Castell

VLBI views on ultra-luminous X-ray sources and accreting intermediate-mass black holes


  • Jun YANG

Primary authors


Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are likely powered by stellar-mass objects in the super Eddington accretion phase. In some extreme cases, ULXs might originate from accreting massive or intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). IMBHs are usually located in the nuclear regions of low-mass and low-luminosity dwarf galaxies. Because of accretion activity, ULXs and IMBHs have been well revealed by optical and X-ray surveys in nearby galaxies. They might also have detectable radio counterparts due to ejection activity. In the talk, I will show some recent results of VLBI research on these relatively faint radio sources. With high-resolution radio observations, we do see strong hints for scaled-down episodic outflow and jet activity (e.g. in SDSS J0906+5610). Moreover, the VLBI observations of Galactic hidden ULX Cygnus X-3 show that ULX jets might propagate through narrow X-ray funnels.