2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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The EATING VLBI monitoring of the M87 jet


  • Dr. Hyunwook RO

Primary authors



We introduce high-cadence monitoring of the M87 jet using EATING VLBI, a joint facility between the East Asia VLBI Network (EAVN) and three Italian telescopes. Currently, EATING VLBI is the only array focusing on regular monitoring of the sub-mas-scale structure of the M87 jet. Here, we present the first images from this program, successfully detecting jet emissions up to $\sim$10 mas from the core with typical angular resolutions of $\sim$0.3 mas (naturally weighted) or $\sim$0.2 mas (uniformly weighted). In particular, images of joint observations with the Tidbinbilla-70m telescope effectively resolve the transverse jet structure by extending the N–S baseline. Using this intensive (3-week interval), high-resolution monitoring, we aim to investigate the connection between long-term position angle changes at horizon-scale and mas-scale, as well as the origin of the recently discovered small-scale fast transverse oscillations. Preliminary results of the ridgeline analysis are presented, along with plans for regular joint observations of EATING VLBI and Long Baseline Array (LBA).