2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Expansion of a subsample of methanol masers rings


  • Prof. Anna BARTKIEWICZ

Primary authors



The 6.7 GHz methanol maser distribution showing a circular morphology in high-mass star-forming regions was discovered 2 decades ago using a sensitive European VLBI Network. Today, after multi-epoch observations, we derive the proper motions of single-masing cloudlets at the level of several kilometres per second. The motions are directed radially outward from the centres of fillet ellipses indicating that expansion motions dominate. After detailed analysis, we state that the maser spot distribution alone does not allow for a direct interpretation of the ongoing scenario. With the results, we can not distinguish, if the rings trace the outflows or are related to disc-winds. There is a need for complementary angular resolution images.