2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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VLBI study of a sample of low-power compact symmetric objects


  • Dr. Filippo D'AMMANDO

Primary authors



Compact symmetric objects (CSOs) are intrinsically compact extragalactic radio sources and are thought to represent the progenitors of classical radio galaxies. Several evolutionary models of the radio emission have been developed so far, but they mainly focus on the evolution of high-power jets. Low-power jets are more prone to instabilities than their high-power counterparts, and jet-medium interaction may decelerate or even disrupt the jet, preventing the formation of large scale structures. As a consequence, a large fraction of the energy of low-power jets is deposited in the host galaxy, and potentially impact the distribution and kinematics of the ISM of the host galaxy for longer time than high-power jets.

In this contribution, we present results on VLBI observations of sample of low-power CSO candidates selected from the FIRST. These observations allow us to confirm their CSO nature by the study of their pc-scale morphology and spectral index distribution. Increasing the number of confirmed low-power CSOs is crucial for improving our knowledge of the evolutionary path of the radio emission and the influence the ambient medium may have on low-power jets at the beginning of their evolution.