- evn2024@mpifr.de
Interferometric Monitoring of a Potential Neutrino-Emitting Blazar PKS 0735+178: a Connection between Neutrino Events and Radio Flares?
- Mr. Sanghyun KIM
Primary authors
- Mr. Sanghyun KIM (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) / University of Science and Technology, Korea (UST))
- Prof. Sang-Sung LEE (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute / University of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Mr. Whee Yeon CHEONG (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute / University of Science and Technology, Korea)
- Mr. Hyeon-Woo JEONG (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute / University of Science and Technology, Korea)
A blazar PKS 0735+178 is a potential candidate for emitting high-energy neutrinos through a relativistic jet. Neutrino observatories (e.g., IceCube, Baikal-GVD, etc.) detected neutrino events with energies ranging from GeV to TeV, from the direction of the source in 2021 December. However, the nature of the neutrinos still needs to be clearly understood. Interestingly, multiwavelength flares have been reported in PKS 0735+178 at the time of neutrino events. Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations enable us to track temporal radio variability from the innermost region of the blazar jet, which offers a critical opportunity for connecting the changes to the broad-band emission properties of the source and further localizing the emission region associated with neutrinos. We conducted observations of the source with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN) at 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz simultaneously over a period in a time range from 2021 December to 2023 November. We used imaging and model-fitting techniques to analyze the KVN data and thus parameterized the milliarcsecond-scale source structure and its variation. We found a continuous increase in the flux density (e.g., from 0.8 to 1.3 Jy at 22 GHz) across all the KVN frequencies, confirming the consistent results from single-dish monitoring of the source. Utilizing simultaneous 22-129 GHz flux density measurements, we present the preliminary results of the spectral properties of the source such as spectral indices, synchrotron self-absorption features, etc.