2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Probing the collimation and dynamics of radio galaxies


  • Mrs. Ainara SAIZ PÉREZ

Primary authors



Current VLBI observations allow us to study collimation in relativistic AGN jets. Among AGNs, radio galaxies provide the unique opportunity to test for jet asymmetry due to their large viewing angle. To better understand the complex interplay between the dynamics of the jet and its environment, we perform numerical simulations of a double sided jet, incorporating realistic ambient profiles as well as the effects of an obscuring torus. For direct comparison with VLBI observations, we create synthetic datasets at different radio frequencies, taking the properties of real observing arrays into account. We perform multifrequency image reconstructions of our datasets using MEM methods, followed by a study of the collimation profiles as well as sophisticated component extraction and tracking techniques. Our results show that the jet undergoes a change in collimation profile at a location corresponding to the first recollimation shock, exhibiting a cylindrical profile upstream followed by a parabolic one downstream. In addition, we provide observable signatures for the interactions between travelling and recollimation shocks.