- evn2024@mpifr.de
- Dr. Juan Bautista CLIMENT
Primary authors
- Dr. Juan Bautista CLIMENT (Universidad de Valencia)
Spatially-resolved radio observations of the ultracool dwarf (UCD) LSR J1835+3259 have shown extended radio emission consistent with the presence of a steady radiation belt powered by synchrotron emission, and aurora, powered by the coherent electron cyclotron maser mechanism. Those results show that, similar to the Jupiter case, radio emitting UCDs possess dipole-ordered magnetic fields with radiation belt-like morphologies and aurorae. In this talk, we will present the latest results on very-long baseline interferometry (VLBI) efforts on this magnetic structure akin to the Van Allen belts. We will also take a sneak peek into novel VLBI detections showcasing distinctive radio-emitting behaviors in various UCDs, and will discuss the potential implications of those behaviors on existing models of radio emission from UCDs.