- evn2024@mpifr.de
- Mr. Wancheng XU
Primary authors
- Mr. Wancheng XU (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Prof. Lang CUI (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Prof. Xiang LIU (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Prof. Tao AN (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Dr. Hongmin CAO (Shangqiu Normal University)
- Dr. Pengfei JIANG (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Prof. Luis HO (Peking University)
- Dr. Ning CHANG (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Dr. Xiaolong YANG (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Ms. Yuling SHEN (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Ms. Guiping TAN (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
- Prof. Zhenhua HAN (Xinjiang Normal University)
- Prof. Junhui FAN (Guangzhou University)
- Prof. Ming ZHANG (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS)
We observed four confirmed dual AGNs in Stripe 82 region using VLBA at 5 GHz in multiple-phase-center mode, aiming to study their milliarcsec-scale radio emission properties. In the eight radio components of targets, we detected two pc-scale radio cores labelled J0051+0020B and J2300-0005A. The radio emission of the other six components was resolved out in the high-resolution images. The two VLBA-detected sources are not the radio-brightest in previous VLA C-band observations. Therefore, the VLBA detections should be due to beaming effect. We get their phase-referenced coordinates and flux densities of two VLBA-detected sources by Gaussian fitting, and estimate their brightness temperature and radio emission power. Their pc-scale radio emission properties are similar to typical jet-dominated AGN. For the other six undetected sources, we provide their upper-limit values of these parameters. Based on their pc-scale radio emission properties, we analyze their 5-GHz radio emission origins in detail for each target. The 5-GHz radio emission of J2206+0003B mostly originates from star formation, while for the other targets, their 5-GHz radio emission is dominated by jet activity. The multiband study of targets revealed a possible systematic X-ray deficit in our dual-AGN sample, which could be attributed to the tidally induced effect and possibly a viewing angle effect. In addition, we compared their VLBA phase-referenced positions of two detected sources with their Gaia positions, and discovered a significant (~10 mas) radio-optical position offset. The two sources both have significant astrometry excess noise (AEN) in Gaia DR3, similar to Varstrometry selected dual AGN. We think their Gaia positions could be weighted centers of AGN and their host galaxies, and their VLBA positions correspond to the actual location of the black hole. The significant AENs could be caused by dark Gaia magnitudes of targets and possible merger effects. To confirm and study interesting dual-AGN candidates which have significant radio-optical offsets, we have presented an EVN observational proposal to reveal the fine radio structures of two Varstrometry selected dual-quasar candidates with z>0.5. The outstanding sensitivity and high resolution of EVN are helpful in achieving the above scientific goals.