2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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A new Python tool for inspection of GMVA metadata


  • Dr. Daewon KIM

Primary authors


GMVA observations are accompanied by a lot of metadata (e.g., so-called ANTAB files) which include system temperature (Tsys), antenna gain, and weather information (WX) for each of all those participated GMVA stations. They are required for amplitude calibration of GMVA data which is an essential part in the data calibration. Unfortunately, Tsys measurements almost always have some erroneous values or technical problems: for instance, the typical 999.0 values in VLBA ANTABs. This can lead to incorrect results in the amplitude calibration and thus need to be corrected with proper inspection/treatment. However, most of the GMVA stations have their own data format in ANTAB files and this makes the situation tricky and time consuming. Plus, in some parts (i.e., gain Info. and indexing Tsys columns), user input may required depending on the ANTAB format and strategy of the calibration. To remedy all these issues, we have developed a new Python program. With this program, one can perform extraction/inspection/visualization/correction of Tsys data and finally generate one single ANTAB file that contains the data of all the stations. Using the program, WX data can also be merged into a single WX file. This program is expected to be very useful for future GMVA users. In this talk, we intend to introduce and advertise this new tool to the VLBI community.