2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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High-resolution radio observations of TeV candidate sources


  • Dr. Krisztina GABANYI

Primary authors



Radio-loud AGNs with their jets pointed close to our line of sight constitute the majority of extragalactic gamma-ray sources and significantly contribute to the radiation observed in the even higher energy regime. The upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is expected to detect fainter TeV objects, leading to an anticipated increase in the proportion of non-blazar extragalactic high-energy sources. Balmaverde et al. (2020) compiled a list of radio and X-ray-detected objects that are good TeV-emitting candidates (Te-REXes). Here we present the results of our dual-frequency (1.6 and 4.8 GHz) EVN observations of two faint radio sources (J1519+2053 and J1832+5202) from this list. They do not show signs of nuclear activity in their optical spectra, but they were hypothesized to contain faint AGN that is outshone by the host galaxy. We used the mas-scale resolution radio data to pinpoint the location of the compact radio emitting feature, determine its radio power and brightness temperature, and thus identify the origin of the radio emission. We found that both optically passive-looking galaxies host faint radio-emitting AGNs.