2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Black Hole Explorer - the next generation Space VLBI mission


  • Prof. Yuri KOVALEV

Primary authors



We present an overview of a proposal for the next generation Space VLBI mission Black Hole Explorer (BHEX). Its main scientific goal is to detect the photon ring and measure basic parameters of super-massive black holes in centers of M87 and SgrA*. Other science cases include black hole demographics as well as studying accretion, formation, and collimation of jets in active galaxies. In order to do it, a 3.5-m radio dish will be launched into space to an orbit longer than 3 Earth diameters and will observe together with the most sensitive ground millimeter telescopes. BHEX will be equipped with two cooled receivers covering a frequency range from 80-106 and 240-320 GHz, which can observe simultaneously. A laser-com link will deliver a real-time data stream of 100 Gbps to the ground. BHEX is planned to launch in 2031.