- evn2024@mpifr.de
- Dr. Arman TURSUNOV
Primary authors
- Dr. Arman TURSUNOV (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy)
Magnetic fields surrounding black holes are responsible for a variety of astrophysical phenomena related to accretion processes and relativistic jets. Depending on the source, the strength and configuration of the field lines may differ significantly, which can, in turn, affect the trajectories of charged particles and the corresponding observables. Usually, the magnetic fields around black holes are modeled within a single source or current generating the field. However, magnetic field can have more than a single origin, being a combination of different fields, such as, e.g., that of an accretion disk and external large-scale or galactic ones. Here I will present a new solution to black hole magnetospheres taking into account an ambient magnetic field. I will show that, depending on the relative orientation of internal (accretion-induced) and external (galactic) fields, the model can potentially help distinguish between radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs.