- evn2024@mpifr.de
Searching for remnants among young radio sources
- Dr. Monica ORIENTI
Primary authors
- Dr. Monica ORIENTI (INAF - IRA Bologna)
- Dr. Filippo D'AMMANDO (INAF-IRA Bologna)
- Prof. Daniele DALLACASA (DIFA - UNIBO)
- Dr. Giulia MIGLIORI (INAF - IRA Bologna)
The evolutionary stage of a powerful radio source originated by an AGN is thought to be related to its linear size. However, the fraction of young radio sources in flux density-limited samples is much larger than what is expected from the number counts of large radio sources, suggesting the existence of short-lived objects and/or intermittency of jet activity. Determining the incidence of young but fading radio sources is thus pivotal for improving our knowledge of the life-cycle of radio emission in radio-loud AGN. Despite its importance for constraining evolutionary models, there are no systematic studies of remnants in complete samples of young radio sources.
In this contribution we will present results on high-resolution multifrequency radio observations of candidate remnants selected from the B3-VLA CSS complete sample. These new observations allow us to constrain the integrated radio spectrum and unveil the presence, or not, of active regions. Then we will discuss the observational limitations in inferring the incidence of remnants among young radio sources and how forthcoming radio facilities will circumvent these issues.