2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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CJD Bonn Castell

High-angular Resolution Galaxy Evolution Science in the SKA Era


  • Prof. Roger DEANE

Primary authors


The physics that drives galaxy evolution operates on a large dynamic range of spatial scales and across a wide range of gas phases. The unique perspective enabled by high-resolution radio continuum, polarimetric, and spectral line observations offers important insights not possible in other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. I will present several examples of this, where SKA precursors/pathfinders are delivering results that require a VLBI perspective to understand fully, ranging from AGN-driven HI outflows in nearby disk galaxies to the highest redshift hydroxyl megamasers known, deep extragalactic legacy fields and dual/binary supermassive black hole candidates. I will give an update on several VLBI programmes that provide a more complete picture of galaxy evolution physics, demonstrating the importance of the high resolution radio perspective in achieving the SKA galaxy evolution key science goals.