- evn2024@mpifr.de
East Asian VLBI Network: Scientific Accomplishments in the First Six Years and Progresses in International Collaboration
- Dr. Kiyoaki WAJIMA
Primary authors
- Dr. Kiyoaki WAJIMA (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
The East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) has been launched as a new international VLBI array in collaboration with four institutes in China, Korea, and Japan in 2018 by expanding capabilities of the KVN and VERA array (KaVA). EAVN collaboration was expanded with inviting three new partner institutes in 2021, resulting in becoming one of the biggest VLBI arrays in the world. Current EAVN consists of 17 radio telescopes and three correlators, and is operated mainly at three frequency bands, 6.7, 22, and 43 GHz with the longest baseline length of about 5100 km. One of distinct capabilities of EAVN is multi-frequency simultaneous data reception at ten telescopes, which enable us to employ the frequency phase transfer technique to obtain better sensitivity at higher observing frequencies. EAVN has conducted 962 observing sessions (160 sessions/yr) with the total observing time of 6370 hours (1060 hr/yr) as of the end of the 2024A semester, and 55 articles using observing data by KaVA/EAVN have been published in refereed journals. On the basis of scientific accomplishments made by EAVN and geographical uniqueness, we are actively conducting global-scale VLBI experiments by collaborating with overseas VLBI arrays. Those activities may provide some hints for considering future growth into the Global VLBI Alliance (GVA). The talk mainly covers overview of EAVN, various scientific accomplishments and international collaborations made by EAVN in the first six years. I would also like to discuss possible future growth into GVA.