- evn2024@mpifr.de
LEVERAGE - Concept for a long-baseline extension in next-generation VLBI experiments and rapid-response array
- Prof. Matthias KADLER
Primary authors
- Prof. Matthias KADLER (Universitaet Wuerzburg)
- Dr. Christian FROMM (JMU Wuerzburg)
- Dominik ELSÄSSER (TU Dortmund)
- Mr. Florian EPPEL (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
- Dr. Flock MARIO (MPIA Heidelberg)
- Yuri KOVALEV ()
- Andrei LOBANOV ()
- Prof. Karl MANNHEIM (JMU Würzburg)
- Prof. Dominik RIECHERS (Univ. Köln)
- Prof. Eduardo ROS ()
- Dr. Simona VEGETTI (MPA)
- Dr. Fabian WALTER (MPIA)
- Prof. Jessica AGARWAL (TU Braunschweig)
- Dr. Kerstin WEIS (RUB Bochum)
- Prof. Sebastian WOLF (Univ. Kiel)
- Anton ZENSUS ()
- Dr. Chris CARILLI (NRAO)
- Prof. Roger DEANE (University of the Witwatersrand / University of Pretoria)
- Prof. John MCKEAN (Univ. Groningen)
- Dr. Zsolt PARAGI (Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIVE))
- Dr. Eric MURPHY (NRAO)
- Dr. Jack RADCLIFFE (University of Manchester / University of Pretoria)
- Dr. Viviana ROSERO (NRAO)
- Anne-Kathrin BACZKO (Chalmers)
- Dr. Craig WALKER (NRAO)
- Prof. Frank BERTOLDI (Univ. Bonn)
- Prof. Tilman BIRNSTIEL (LMU Munich)
- Biagina BOCCARDI ()
- Prof. Dominik BOMANS (Astronomical Institute, Ruhr University Bochum)
- Marcus BRUGGEN (UHH)
- Andreas BRUNTHALER ()
The next decades of radio astronomy will be dominated by large facilities of superior sensitivity. Between 1GHz and 15GHz, strong synergies can be developed between the next-generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), specifically the SKA-mid. Towards higher frequencies, the ngVLA will be able to co-observe with other frontline facilities including the EVN (at 1-43 GHz), and the GMVA (at 43-86 GHz). In this talk, we will discuss the possibility of enhancing these synergies with an array of mid-to-high frequency radio antennas in Germany to be operated as a stand-alone facility, as well as a complement to the ngVLA, SKA-mid, EVN, and GMVA in VLBI and studies of transients. LEVERAGE is a concept for an array of two to four radio-antenna stations operating in the mid-to-high frequency range (up to 120GHz) with baselines between 500km and 1000km, which will significantly enhance the science capabilities of both the SKA and ngVLA in terms of submilliarcsecond-scale image reconstruction and flexibility in reacting to short transient events. Moreover, the LEVERAGE concept offers high efficiency as a stand-alone instrument and can be optimized to localize and follow-up radio transients with a faster reaction time than the larger next-generation facilities. The facility may support special modes that are difficult to realize on the full large next-generation facilities or are going beyond their scope such as long uninterrupted integrations, high-cadence observations, long-term monitoring or broader simultaneous frequency coverage.