- evn2024@mpifr.de
Current and future developments for the EVN
This talk will review the current status of the EVN and some of the developments and enhancements which are already going ahead including adding new telescopes, increasing bandwidth, developing new data processing modes and new correlator hardware, as well as aiming to increase the flexibility of observing in response to evolving scientific demands, especially for transient and multi-messenger astronomy. Beyond these 'evolutionary' developments, it is also important to consider how the EVN can work together with the SKAO and other new telescopes in Africa and elsewhere in a new era of global VLBI. Concepts for new networks of smaller radio telescopes (possibly in clusters) on various scales in Europe are now being actively planned by multiple groups. Provided these initiatives can be suitably integrated, a new EVN which can be more efficiently optimised for future scientific demands with more telescopes, wider fields, wider bandwidths and continuous observing could be envisaged.