2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Session XV: VLBI perspectives I -- Chair: Michael Lindqvist


Location: CJD Bonn Castell
Address: Graurheindorfer Str. 149, 53117 Bonn
Date: 5 Sep 15:30 - 17:00


45min Invited Talk (EVN) 3x 15min Contributed Talk

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 4 contributions out of 4
Calibration and imaging are closely interconnected in very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). The conventional CLEAN algorithm has been widely employed for imaging, self-calibration, and polarization calibration. However, forward modeling and Bayesian imaging algorithms have recently outperformed CLEAN, and these new imaging methods can also be utilized for various aspects of data calibration. T ... More
Presented by Mr. Jongseo KIM on 5/9/2024 at 16:45
This talk will review the current status of the EVN and some of the developments and enhancements which are already going ahead including adding new telescopes, increasing bandwidth, developing new data processing modes and new correlator hardware, as well as aiming to increase the flexibility of observing in response to evolving scientific demands, especially for transient and multi-messenger as ... More
Presented by Prof. Simon GARRINGTON on 5/9/2024 at 13:30
In the past few decades, radio surveys have provided us with unique insights into many areas of astrophysics such as star formation, supernovae, active galactic nuclei, pulsars, cosmology and much more. A key aspect of these surveys is the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) which can provide some of the highest resolutions possible in astronomy. This method has been crucial in u ... More
Presented by Dr. Jack RADCLIFFE on 5/9/2024 at 16:30
RADIOBLOCKS is a European Commission-funded project that aims to go beyond state-of-the-art technological solutions to increase the sensitivity, field of view and bandwidth of radio astronomy infrastructures. Although these developments address aspects for almost all radio astronomical infrastructures along the entire data chain, VLBI will benefit from their results and deliverables. RADIOBLOCK ... More
Presented by Dr. Giuseppe CIMO on 5/9/2024 at 16:15
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