2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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CJD Bonn Castell

Imaging VGOS observations and modeling source structure effects


  • Dr. Ming Hui XU

Primary authors



The new generation of geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS), is now regularly observing to produce the best geodetic VLBI data, with a thermal noise level of about 3 ps. It now approaches to the designed observing strategy, i.e., scan lengths of on average 10 seconds and switching time of about 20 seconds. However, the systematic errors due to the angular structure of the radio sources are becoming prominent in these high-precision VGOS observations. It is important to understand, study, and monitor these systematic errors. Project Astrogeodesy (also a new research group at the GFZ), funded by European Research Council, aims to developing a data processing/calibrating pipeline to model these systematic errors. Improvements have been made to derive images of the source structure -- and subsequently model it with a small number of Gaussian components -- through closure imaging at the four bands (3 -- 14 GHz) directly from VGOS observations on a regular basis. We will report on our imaging results and the current research activities about source structure in VGOS observations.