2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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CJD Bonn Castell

VLBI Observations of compact sources in the Galactic Plane


  • Andreas BRUNTHALER

Primary authors



The GLOSTAR galactic plane survey conducted with the VLA and Effelsberg telescopes led to the detection of thousands of compact continuum sources in the Galactic Plane with sizes of less than one arcsecond. We observed 1782 of these compact sources in the galactic longitude range from 28 to 36 degrees with the VLBA to investigate the fraction of sources which are detectable with VLBI and to distinguish between galactic and extragalactic sources based on their proper motions. By measuring scatter broadened source sizes as a function of frequency we also gain invaluable insights into the scattering properties of the interstellar medium. Here we will report on first results from this survey, placing sources among the most heavily scattered AGN known to date, which indicate much stronger and more widespread scattering than anticipated.