2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone
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CJD Bonn Castell

Blazars as the Multi-messenger Lighthouses of the Universe


  • Yuri KOVALEV

Primary authors



The discovery of extreme brightness in blazars, made with space VLBI observations, has set new limits on the very high rates of energy release in plasma and a very efficient particle acceleration. The mounting observational indications for extragalactic neutrino production in blazar-type AGN now begin to deliver key understanding about the physics of proton acceleration in blazars, either nearby central supermassive black holes or in plasma shocks embedded in the relativistic jets. In this talk we show that complete samples of VLBI-compact extragalactic objects effectively select neutrino-emitting blazars. Using results of the MOJAVE program, we find jets of neutrino candidates to have preferentially higher Doppler boosting and lower viewing angles. Continuing blazar monitoring within the MOJAVE program supplemented by neutrino-triggered observing campaigns and the expected advent of a true era of multi-messenger astronomy provide solid grounds for a breakthrough in our understanding of active galaxies as extreme cosmic accelerators and efficient neutrino factories.