2-6 September 2024
CJD Bonn Castell
Europe/Berlin timezone

Participant List

Number of participants: 164

downname institution country/region
Dr. ABERFELDS, Artis Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center Latvia
Dr. ACKERMANN, Markus DESY Germany
Mrs. ADEY, Sian MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. ALEF, Walter MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. AMADOR PORTES, Alfredo Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica Mexico
Dr. ATRI, Pikky ASTRON Netherlands
Dr. BACH, Uwe MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. BACZKO, Anne-Kathrin Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
Dr. BALDI, Ranieri D. INAF-IRA Italy
Prof. BARTKIEWICZ, Anna Torun Institute of Astronomy, NCU Poland
Mr. BARTOLINI, Vieri MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. BEMPONG-MANFUL, Emmanuel The University of Manchester United Kingdom
Mrs. BENKE, Petra MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. BERNHART, Simone Reichert GmbH/BKG/MPIfR Germany
Dr. BERRY, Simon SKAO United Kingdom
Prof. BESWICK, Rob Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics United Kingdom
Mr. BEZRUKOVS, Vladislavs Ventspils International Radioastronomy centre Latvia
Mrs. BHANA, Jayde University of Pretoria South Africa
Dr. BOCCARDI, Bia MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. BONNASSIEUX, Etienne JMU Würzburg Germany
Dr. BRITZEN, Silke MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. BRUNI, Gabriele INAF-IAPS Italy
Dr. BRUNTHALER, Andreas MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Prof. BÅÅTH, Lars Halmstad University Sweden
Dr. CAMPBELL, Bob JIVE Netherlands
Dr. CASTANGIA, Paola INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari Italy
Dr. CHANG, Ning Xinjiang Atronomical Observatory, CAS China
Dr. CHARLOT, Patrick University of Bordeaux - CNRS France
Dr. CHENG, Xiaopeng Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea, Republic of
Dr. CHEN, Sina Technion Israel
Mr. CHEONG, Whee Yeon Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, University of Science and Technology (Korea) Korea, Republic of
Dr. CHOI, Yoon Kyung Reichert GmbH/BKG/MPIfR Germany
Dr. CIMO, Giuseppe JIV-ERIC Netherlands
Dr. COLOMER, Francisco J. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Spain
Prof. CONWAY, John Onsala Space Observatory/Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
Prof. CUI, Lang Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS China
Dr. D'AMMANDO, Filippo INAF-IRA Bologna Italy
Dr. DE VICENTE ABAD, Pablo Observatorio de Yebes, IGN Spain
Prof. DEANE, Roger University of the Witwatersrand / University of Pretoria South Africa
Mrs. DEBBRECHT, Lena Carolin MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mrs. DEGLI AGOSTI, Cecilia MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Prof. DEMPSEY, Jessica ASTRON Netherlands
Prof. DIAMOND, Phil J. SKA Telescope United Kingdom
Dr. DZIB QUIJANO, Sergio Abraham MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. EPPEL, Florian JMU Würzburg Germany
Mr. ESSER, Niclas Max PLanck Institute for Radioastronomy Germany
Dr. FREY, Sándor HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungary
Dr. FROMM, Christian JMU Würzburg Germany
Dr. GABANYI, Krisztina HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungary
Prof. GARRETT, Michael University of Manchester & Leiden Observatory United Kingdom
Prof. GARRINGTON, Simon Jodrell Bank Observatory, University of Manchester United Kingdom
Dr. GAWROŃSKI, Marcin Institute of Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland Poland
Mr. GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera Italy
Mr. GIARRATANA, Stefano Osservatorio di Brera Italy
Dr. GIROLETTI, Marcello INAF Istituto di Radioastronomia Italy
Prof. GLASER, Susanne University of Bonn Germany
Mrs. GOMEZ MILLER, Brissa Institute of Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics UNAM Mexico
Prof. GURVITS, Leonid I. Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC Netherlands
Mr. HERBÉ GEORGE, Célestin Kapteyn Institute, NL/University of Pretoria, SA Netherlands
Mr. HEßDÖRFER, Jonas JMU Würzburg Germany
Dr. HIROTA, Tomoya National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Japan
Mr. INGALE, Prathamesh MPI für Radioastronomie/AIFA Germany
Dr. JANSSEN, Michael Radboud University Netherlands
Dr. JARON, Frederic TU Wien Austria
Mr. JEONG, Hyeon-Woo University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea / Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) Korea, Republic of
Dr. JIANG, Pengfei Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory China
Prof. KADLER, Matthias JMU Würzburg Germany
Prof. KATARZYNSKI, Krzysztof Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland Poland
Dr. KAZAKOU, Ioanna JIVE Netherlands
Dr. KELLERMANN, Keneth NRAO United States
Dr. KETTENIS, Mark JIVE Netherlands
Prof. KHARB, Preeti NCRA-TIFR India
Dr. KIM, Daewon MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. KIM, Jongseo MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. KIM, Sanghyun Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) / University of Science and Technology, Korea (UST) Korea, Republic of
Dr. KLÖCKNER, Hans-Rainer MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. KNOLLMÜLLER, Jakob Radboud University, Nijmegen Netherlands
Mrs. KOBAK, Agnieszka Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Poland
Prof. KOBAYASHI, Hideyuki Shanghai Astronomcal Observatory/National Astronomical Observatory of Japan China
Prof. KOVALEV, Yuri MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. KRAMER, Busaba MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Prof. KRAMER, Michael MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. KRAUS, Alex MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. KREZINGER, Máté Eötvös University Hungary
Dr. KRICHBAUM, Thomas MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Prof. LEE, Sang-Sung KASI/UST Korea, Republic of
Dr. LINDQVIST, Michael Onsala Space Observatory Sweden
Dr. LIPUNOVA, Galina MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. LIVINGSTON, Jack MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. LOBANOV, Andrei MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. LUCATELLI, Geferson The University of Manchester - jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics United Kingdom
Dr. LU, Rusen Shanghai Astronomical Observatory China
Mr. MAKEEV, Vladislav Universität Bonn, MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Prof. MAPELLI, Michela Heidelberg University Germany
Dr. MARCOTE, Benito JIVE Netherlands
Prof. MCKEAN, John Kapteyn Astronomical Institute / SARAO / University of Pretoria South Africa
Prof. MENTEN, Karl M. MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Prof. MILLER-JONES, James International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research - Curtin University Australia
Dr. MOLDON, Javier IAA-CSIC Spain
Dr. MURTHY, Suma JIVE Netherlands
Dr. MUXLOW, Tom Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics United Kingdom
Dr. NAIR, Dhanya G. University of Concepción Chile
Dr. NAKAGAWA, Akiharu Kagoshima University Japan
Mr. NIKONOV, Aleksei MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. OH, Junghwan JIVE Netherlands
Mrs. ORDÓÑEZ TORO, Jazmín Institute of Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics, IRyA-UNAM Mexico
Dr. ORIENTI, Monica INAF - IRA Bologna Italy
Dr. OROSZ, Gabor JIVE Netherlands
Mrs. PALAFOX, Eva INAOE Puebla Mexico
Dr. PARAGI, Zsolt JIV-ERIC Netherlands
Dr. PARASCHOS, Georgios-Filippos MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. PATIÑO ÁLVAREZ, Víctor Manuel Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica Mexico
Dr. PERGER, Krisztina HUN-REN Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungary
Dr. PHILLIPS, Chris CSIRO Australia
Dr. PLAVIN, Alexander Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics United States
Mr. POPPI, Sergio INAF Italy
Dr. PORCAS, Richard MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. PÖTZL, Felix Institute of Astrophysics - FORTH Greece
Dr. RADCLIFFE, Jack University of Manchester / University of Pretoria South Africa
Mrs. RAHIMI, Parisa MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. REYNOLDS, Cormac CSIRO Australia
Dr. RICCI, Luca JMU Würzburg Germany
Dr. RO, Hyunwook Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea, Republic of
Prof. ROS, Eduardo MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. ROTTMANN, Helge MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. ROTTMANN, Izabela MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. ROY, Alan MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. RÖDER, Jan MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. RÖSCH, Florian JMU Würzburg / MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mrs. SAIZ PÉREZ, Ainara JMU Würzburg Germany
Mr. SAURABH, Saurabh MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. SAVOLAINEN, Tuomas Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory Finland
Mrs. SKIRMANTE, Karina Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre Latvia
Dr. SLOWIKOWSKA, Agnieszka JIV-ERIC Netherlands
Prof. SOHN, Bong Won Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea, Republic of
Mr. SONG, Chanwoo Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea University of Science and Technology Korea, Republic of
STOCK, Ashley University of Toronto Canada
Dr. SUGIYAMA, Koichiro National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand Thailand
Dr. SURCIS, Gabriele INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari Italy
Dr. TURSUNOV, Arman MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Prof. VAN LANGEVELDE, Huib JIVE/Leiden Netherlands
Dr. VEGETTI, Simona MPA Germany
Dr. VENTURI, Tiziana INAF, Istituto di Radioastronomia Italy
Mrs. VERKOUTER, Marjolein JIV-ERIC Netherlands
Dr. VON FELLENBERG, Sebastiano MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. WAJIMA, Kiyoaki Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea, Republic of
Dr. WEN, Di Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen Netherlands
Prof. WIELEBINSKI, Richard MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. WIELGUS, Maciek MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. WILLIAMS-BALDWIN, David Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics United Kingdom
Dr. WINKEL, Benjamin MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. WUCKNITZ, Olaf MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. XU, Ming Hui German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ Germany
Mr. XU, Wancheng Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences China
Dr. YANG, Jun Onsala Space Observatory Sweden
Mr. YESKALIYEV, Yertay GFZ Potsdam Germany
Prof. ZENSUS, J. Anton MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Dr. ZHAO, Guang-Yao MPI für Radioastronomie Germany
Mr. ŠTEINBERGS, Jānis Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center Latvia