Picture Gallery
Pictures taken during the meeting. If you want to contribute, please write to evn2024@mpifr.de. In brackets, the author of the respective picture.
Monday, Sep 2
Wednesday, Sep 3
Wednesday, Sep 4
Thursday, Sep 5

Anna Bartkiewicz & Gabriele Surcis (E. Ros) |

Sasha Plavin (E. Ros) |

Benito Marcote (E. Ros) |

Before dinner (Anna Bartkiewicz) |

Dinner participants (E. Ros) |

Dinner participants (E. Ros) |

Dinner participants (E. Ros) |

The ship starts the travel (E. Ros) |

After dinner (and rain) in the ship (E. Ros) |
Friday, Sep 6

Marcello Giroletti (E. Ros) |

Generations of VLBI: Porcas, Kellermann, Zensus, Ros, Lobanov (J.A. Zensus) |

Eduardo Ros (J.A. Zensus) |

Zsolt Paragi & Matthias Kadler (E. Ros) |

Michael Lindqvist & Matthias Kadler (E. Ros) |

J. Anton Zensus, closing the meeting (E. Ros) |