21-23 November 2023
ESO Headquarters
Europe/London timezone

NOTICE - Please remember that the event venue is also a workspace for others, so please be mindful of the noise level, especially when having conversations near office areas. Thank you for your consideration!

The ORP Consortium Meeting aims at reviewing the project activities and structuring future goals. We will benefit from the presence of different partners, of the WP leaders and members, Board/Exec members, owners of the infrastructures, funding agencies, members of the management and guests.

The ORP Consortium Meeting will allow everyone to become aware of the project developments, to provide input for possible solutions, and to shape the future steps.

The Consortium meeting will take place at the ESO headquarters in Garching (DE), flanked by several Work Package meetings and the Exec, Board and Review meetings. The reception will take place on Wed Nov 22 at ESO.

The logistic and zoom links can be fund on the Logistic/Connections page. Access will be granted by the host. Additionally the code has been sent by email, in case you cannot find it - please contact sub-emt@orp-h2020.eu

Lunches/Coffee breaks will be provided. 

For any help please contact sub-emt@orp-h2020.eu




Starts 21 Nov 2023 09:00
Ends 23 Nov 2023 17:00
ESO Headquarters
Council Chamber
ESO-Hauptsitz Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 85748 Garching bei München Deutschland
  • Garcia, Paulo
  • Vermeulen, Rene
  • Slowikowska, Aga
  • Basa, Stephane
  • Charmandaris, Vassilis