8-11 January 2023
Schloss Ringberg
Europe/Berlin timezone
Group picture online!

The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX)  12 m submillimeter telescope has significantly contributed to a wide variety of astronomy science areas, ranging from the discoveries of new molecules to large-scale and deep imaging of the submillimeter sky.

Since 2012, every other year, the Ringberg APEX workshops bring together APEX users and other interested scientists working on a wide range of exciting results covering the Solar System to distance galaxies in the early universe. APEX2023 aims at presenting new science results and to looking into new science opportunities for the next few years.

In the last years, APEX has been significantly improved by upgrades of the antenna itself as well as new heterodyne instruments highly complementary to ALMA. A new large-format, dual frequency continuum camera  and a new high frequency heterodyne receiver covering the 350 micron atmospheric window are scheduled for installation next year. Therefore the workshop aims also at discussing ambitious new large science programs with the telescope.

The conference venue, Ringberg Castle, provides a unique setting for in depth discussions on current and future science with APEX. In particular, sessions on new scientific results, on synergies with other observatories and on the exploitation of the new APEX capabilities are envisioned. Splinter sessions are foreseen for in-depth discussion of ongoing and future large programs.


Starts 8 Jan 2023 16:00
Ends 11 Jan 2023 14:00
Schloss Ringberg