ORP Consortium Meeting, previously organized as Telescope Director Forum 2021, retains its original objectives. It aims at reviewing the project activities and structuring future goals. It takes advantage of different partners of the consortium being present: WP leaders and members, Board/Exec members, owners of the infrastructures, funding agencies, management and guests. The ORP Consortium Meeting will allow everyone to become aware of the project developments, to provide inputs to possible solutions, and to shape the future steps.
For logistical reasons no registration for in-person participation will be possible after 18th November. Registration for remote participation remains open until the end of the meeting.
To joint the meeting use the zoom link https://zoom.us/j/94164077488 .
Please note that the zoom link for the Exec and the Board session are different and have been provided to the Exec/Board members. For any help contact sub-emt@orp-h2020.eu.
The meeting will be at the SKAO headquarters at Jodrell Bank (UK) hosted by the University of Manchester. The Jodrell Bank Observatory is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Check the attached instruction under Material how to find SKAO site.
It is a relatively remote location. Our local colleagues have strongly recommended that participants envisage arriving by/renting a car where possible, as there is no local public transport. We would very much encourage car and taxi sharing for transport to and from the hotels and are collating information from in-person attendees to facilitate that.
It is also a radio quiet zone, and visitors will be kindly asked to use any mobile phones only inside the building and only when strictly necessary.
All meals, including dinner on November 29th will be provided. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any dietary restrictions.
- Colomer, Francisco
- Slowikowska, Agnieszka
- Charmandaris, Vassilis
- Garcia, Paulo
Accomodation: We have blocked rooms in 2 hotels near the venue.
Cranage Hall: The rate should be £128.00 for bed and breakfast. Please perform the booking on the website DeVere Cranage Estate website. Press "book now", enter your arrival and departurre dates, then enter SKA in the Promotion Code in the special codes section and the rates will appear. Available to book until 30 September 2022.
Alderley Edge Hotel: The rate is £109 per night. Please contact the hotel and mention the Meeting at SKAO (29-30.11.2022). Available to book until 30 September 2022.