ORP-JA1.5 Preserving the Skies

chaired by Michael Kramer
Thursday, 28 April 2022 from to (Europe/Berlin)
at ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/94310052385

The JA1.5 acts as a coordinating entity that will provide interface between various activities that are already ongoing in different context that will identify gaps where w should be oresent and based on this input, that will work on a strategic plan to help our goals. In order to facilitate also activities on a national level, we will collect material, etc. that everyone can sue in their own local context. Find here the platform/cloud.

ZOOM connection:


Meeting ID: 943 1005 2385


  1. Welcome
  2. Action Items from last meeting
  3. News & Updates of recent activities  (table round)
  4. CPS Policy Hub
  5. CPS Community Engagement Hub
  6. Calendar of events
  7. Update on distributions of tasks and activities: towards a strategic plan
  8. 1rst Periodic Report
  9. Next meeting


ORP  project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004719


Participants John Antoniadis ; Cees Bassa ; Jacqueline Casado Iglesias; Federico di Vruno; Helene Dworak ; Simon Garrington ; Richard Green; Gyula Jozsa; Michael Kramer; Eric Lagadec ; José López Pérez ; Garrett Michael ; André Moitinho ; James Osborn ; Gudrun Pebody; Izabela Rottmann; Pablo Vicente; Andrew Williams ; Benjamin Winkel
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