Contribution Talk
On the EU-VGOS "short-scan" sessions
- Matthias SCHARTNER
Primary authors
- Matthias SCHARTNER (ETH Zurich)
- Frederic JARON (TU Wien)
- Benedikt SOJA (ETH Zurich)
Within this presentation, we will give an overview of the short integration time sessions observed in 2020 as a base for discussions about appropriate analysis strategies and potential scientific results.
In total, there have been eleven sessions out of which five are correlated and ready for analysis.
The sessions were designed for testing the performance of the shorter scan durations for VGOS.
Currently, all IVS VGOS observations are schedules with a fixed 30 second integration time, independent of source brightness or station sensitivity. However, the VGOS goal is to rapidly increase the number of observations by reducing integration time down to five seconds. These sessions were designed as an initial test of short integration times.
The schedules were generated in a way, that the session was split into blocks utilizing different integration times with the motive to compare the performance of the individual blocks within a session. Furthermore, some additional restrictions were present when designing the sessions, such as storage limits leading to longer idle times between scans. Although a standard geodetic analysis of the session is possible and interesting, it does not reflect the special situation of the sessions. Therefore, it is worthwhile to discuss refined analysis strategies.