28-29 October 2021
TU Wien Freihaus
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Contribution Talk

TU Wien Freihaus - DC 02 030 "Jupiter"

The ultimate EU-VGOS calibration tool


  • Cristina GARCIA-MIRO

Primary authors



Yebes Observatory is about to develop a web server for the analysis and visualization of calibration data obtained during the EU-VGOS interferometric observations. For this, the first task will consist of the design and development of a database that contains the calibration information extracted from the Field System log files available on-line from the various radio telescopes that participate in the observations. Once the database has been built, the web application will allow on-line access and analysis of this information, current and historical, from each of the radio telescopes, in the form of tables and plots. The tool will have an on-line help and documentation. This talk describes the project and its capabilities, and will ask for feedback and requirements from the group.