29 April 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Participant List

Number of participants: 39

downname institution country/region
Dr. ALEF, Walter MPIfR Bahamas
BACH, Uwe MPIfR Germany
BAYANDINA, Olga JIVE Netherlands
Mr. BEZRUKOVS, Vladislavs Ventspils International Radioastronomy centre Latvia
Dr. BLANCHARD, Jay NRAO United States
Dr. BRISKEN, Walter National Radio Astronomy Observatory United States
Dr. CAMPBELL, Bob JIVE Netherlands
Dr. COLOMER, Francisco Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIVE) Netherlands
Mr. ELDERING, Bob JIVE Netherlands
FEILER, Roman Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland
Mrs. GARCIA MIRO, Cristina JIVE Netherlands
Mr. GONZALEZ-GARCIA, JAVIER IGN - Observatorio de Yebes Spain
Dr. GUNN, Alastair University of Manchester, Jodrell Bank Observatory United Kingdom
Mr. HARMS, Bert Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC Netherlands
Mr. HARRO, Verkouter JIV-ERIC Netherlands
HIMWICH, Ed WHI LLC Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Mr. HOVEY, Gary Onsala Space Observatory/Chalmers University Sweden
Dr. KALLUNKI, Juha Aalto University / Metsähovi Radio Observatory Finland
Dr. KEIMPEMA, Aard Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC Netherlands
Dr. KURTZ, Stan UNAM Mexico
Mr. LEEUWINGA, Martin Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC Netherlands
Dr. LEW, Bartosz Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland
LINDQVIST, Michael Onsala Space Observatory Sweden
Mr. MACCAFERRI, Giuseppe IRA-Medicina Italy
Dr. MARCOTE, Benito JIVE Netherlands
Mr. MUJUNEN, Ari Laboratory Manager Finland
Dr. NAIR, Dhanya G. JIVE Netherlands
Mr. ORBIDANS, Arturs Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center Latvia
Dr. ORLATI, Andrea INAF-IRA Italy
Dr. PARAGI, Zsolt Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIVE) Netherlands
Dr. QUICK, Jonathan Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory South Africa
Dr. ROTTMANN, Helge MPIfR Germany
SANDSTRÖM, Lukas Onsala Space Observatory Sweden
Mr. SARNIAK, Rafael Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland
Dr. SURCIS, Gabriele INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari Italy
Dr. ULYANOV, Oleg Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine Ukraine
Dr. WOLAK, Paweł Centre for Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland
YANG, Jun Onsala Space Observatory Sweden