1 April 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

The EVN stations are in the process of upgrading receiver, backends and recording systems to support higher data rates and wider bandwidths. As DBBC3 backends become available and disk recording systems are scalable, current receivers and their IF infrastructure become the limiting factor.

Before ultra wide band systems (like the BRAND receiver 1.5 - 15 GHz) become available, the EVN CBD encourages stations to upgrade combined C/X band receivers covering the frequency range ~4 to 9 GHz . 

The purpose of this meeting is to get an overview of existing C/X band systems, their capabilities, properties, and most importantly: survey the possibilities of purchase, co-design, or adapt those C/X band receiver systems to the various antennas present in the EVN.

The meeting will be held as a full online event on April 1st, 2021 in a single session of at most 4 hours length, featuring several contributions and an open discussion, starting at 11 UTC. Note that European summer time is starting the weekend before.

The registration is open and contributions can be submitted until March 22nd.

Current program, time in CEST (UTC+2):

Time [CEST]

Title Presenter
13:00-13:05 Welcome BACH, Uwe
13:05-13:30 CSIRO Astronomy receiver systems TZIOUMIS, Tasso

The new C-band receiver for Nanshan 25m telescope of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory

13:55-14:20 Yebes C/X band receiver for the 40-m radiotelescope LÓPEZ PÉREZ, José Antonio
14:20-14:50 The Onsala 20-meter antenna C/X-receiver


14:50 ... Open discussion  

Presentations are available from the detailed view of the timetable: Timetable -> Detailed View -> Click on the talk and view extra material.

Starts 1 Apr 2021 13:00
Ends 1 Apr 2021 17:30