21-22 September 2020
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Session 4


Location: Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Address: Auf dem Huegel 69 53123 Bonn GERMANY
Room: Lecture Hall 0.02
Date: 22 Sep 10:55 - 12:35


Multi pixel cameras. Chair: Dr. Alessandro Orfei

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 4 contributions out of 4
Session: Session 4
Pulsar studies are generally carried out at centimetre wavelengths and high-energies (X-ray, Gamma-ray), where pulsars are brighter and the available instrumentation is well adapted to fast time-domain science. In the last years, pulsar astronomy in the millimetre band has intensified, supported mainly by large-bandwidth instrumentation with fast-sampling capabilities at the IRAM 30-m telescope. H ... More
Presented by Dr. Pablo TORNE on 22/9/2020 at 9:45
Session: Session 4
QUBIC is an experiment dedicated to the measurement of the B-mode polarization from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), using a novel technology: Bolometric Interferometry. The instrument will have 2 focal planes at 150 GHz and 220 GHz. Thanks to its unique spectroimaging capabilities, QUBIC will also be a powerful instrument to constrain foreground contamination (thermal galaxy dust emissi ... More
Presented by Louise MOUSSET on 22/9/2020 at 8:55
Session: Session 4
We present the analysis of the optical system of the STRIP instrument, the ground-based telescope of the Large Scale Polarization (LSPE) experiment, which aims at polarization measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background on large angular scales. STRIP will observe the polarized emission from the "Observatorio del Teide" in Tenerife, starting in late 2021. The instrument consists of an array of ... More
Presented by Ms. Sabrina REALINI on 22/9/2020 at 9:20
Session: Session 4
We have presented the idea at past meetings to use the mirror arrays of concentrating solar power stations as vast collecting areas for high-sensitivity radio astronomy. Since the signals do not combine coherently they will produce an extended speckle pattern over the focal region that requires a large phased array feed to collect and combine in-phase. The 4000 element EMBRACE array developed un ... More
Presented by Alan ROY, Olaf WUCKNITZ on 22/9/2020 at 10:10
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