27 May 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone
ZOOM meeting To join the meeting use the following link: https://zoom.us/j/95499103347 1) Welcome and introductions - MAG/All 2) Status update SPOOR - MAG - White Paper 3) EC pilot project update (incl. Strategic WP) – AZ 4) National/Institute updates - UK (MAG) - JIVE, ERICs (FC) - others ++ 5) European Radio Astronomy - CJ+ - strengths & challenges facing us (also in CV era) - structures, experts 6) Future coordination of European Radio Astronomy – All - what do we want if anything? - when do we want it? - how much will it cost? - what would it look like? - how would it be established? - what would it do? - who would be involved? 7) AOB
Starts 27 May 2020 10:00
Ends 27 May 2020 14:30