5-9 September 2016
Europe/Berlin timezone
Young European Radioastronomers Conference (YERAC) 2016 in Bonn
The Young European Radio Astronomers Conference (YERAC) has been held annually in different radioastronomical centers in Europe since 1968 and has enabled many graduate students and young post-docs doing radio astronomical research to meet and present their current work. For a history of YERAC, see http://www.yerac.org . YERAC will take place in Bonn for the fifth time. The Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, MPIfR, has agreed to provide the funding for board and lodging to all participants. Travel costs are expected to be paid by the participants' host institutes. Participation is by recommendation only. Supervisors/directors of institutes are asked to nominate candidates and provide a supporting letter to yerac@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de . Each participant is expected to deliver a 10+5 minute talk (15 minutes including questions) about their work. The abstracts will be published electronically. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: For a fluid transition between the talks, please consider have your presentation in a simple PDF file and carry it in a USB device. If you have special features in your presentation you can use your own laptop. Please notify the LOC your choose concerning this point on Monday 5th of September.
Starts 5 Sep 2016 18:00
Ends 9 Sep 2016 10:00
Haus Annaberg
Annaberger Str. 400 Bonn Friesdorf

The conference and the lodging will be in Annaberg house (http://www.annaberg.de), a castle-like mansion in Bonn. Bedrooms are hostel like and shared by 2 or 3 participants. Full board is provided at Annaberg house. The house has a large park, which offers ample opportunity for interactions and networking. A visit to the Effelsberg 100m telescope is foreseen as part of the conference. YERAC 2016 is financially supported by the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Organizational support is provided by the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Astronomy and Astrophysics.

LOC:  Anne-Kathrin Baczko, Maja Kierdorf, Sac Nicté Medina and Vivien Thiel.

Support: Mélisse Bonfand, Roberto Angioni.

Directions to Haus Annaberg:

From Bonn Main Station (Bonn Hauptbahnhof)

– with the subway number 63 or 16 with direction Bad Godesberg until station "Max Löbner Str.“. From this ca 30 minutes walk on the street "Annaberger Strasse",

or with tram number 61 or 62 until "Dottendorf Endstation", change to Bus number 612 until bus station "Turmhaus“. From this ca. 15 min walk.

Timetable of the local traffic can be found at www.vrs-info.de

– by Taxi: ca 15 Euro

From Station Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Bad Godesberg Bahnhof)

– by Bus number 612 with direction Dottendorf until station "Turmhaus“. From this ca. 15 minutes walk on "Annaberger Strasse".

– by Taxi: ca 12 Euro