6 June 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Very-long-baseline interferometry offers unprecedented resolutions in radio astronomy and is under continuous development. There is a long VLBI tradition both in Bonn (MPI für Radioastronomie) and Dwingeloo (ASTRON and JIV-ERIC), and both sites organise regular neighbourhood meetings since last century, in alternate years to the EVN Symposium. For 2019, Dwingeloo hosts the meeting. Any interested individuals at the partner institutes in Dwingeloo and Bonn are invited to join the event, which will include talks from both institutes and a visit to ASTRON & JIVE facilities. The meeting takes place at the ASTRON headquarters in Dwingeloo, The Netherlands.

Group picture of the Bonn-Dwingeloo Meeting, June 6, 2019.

Official Picture of the Meeting in 2017, taken after the morning session.

Group picture of the Bonn-Dwingeloo Meeting, October 29, 2015

Group picture of the Bonn-Dwingeloo Meeting, December 2, 2013

Starts 6 Jun 2019 09:15
Ends 6 Jun 2019 19:45
ASTRON Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4 7991 PD Dwingeloo The Netherlands