- pafws2019@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
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Contribution Oral presentation
PAF developments at MPIfR
Primary authors
- Gundolf WIECHING ()
- Christoph KASEMANN ()
- Frank SCHÄFER ()
- Ewan BARR (MPIfR)
Abstract files
Embedded into the "Low Frequency Gravitational Wave Astronomy and Gravitational Physics in Space“, a joint project of CAS and MPG, we started together with our colleagues from NAOC a long-term development project on cryogenic PAF systems back in 2018. This will enlarge the observing capabilities of FAST and the 100m Effelsberg on accurate pulsar timing for precise detection of gravitational waves in the micro and nano-Hertz regime. In addition other science areas will benefit from the enlarged capabilities of PAF systems in comparison to single feed systems.
Taking this joint development-project as a starting point the MPIfR ramped up the activities in PAF developments. First, we aim to gain necessary understanding in all involved areas like theory, calibration, frontend-, and backend technologies. We aim to have a dedicated concept on how to build cryogenic cooled PAF systems for given boundary conditions best by end of 2021. End of 2023 we target to commission the first "production" PAF based on these research and development activities at Effelsberg.
Within this contribution we will present the actual status including some preliminary results, and long term planning of the PAF developments at the MPIfR.