16-18 September 2019
Hotel Collegium Leoninum
Europe/Berlin timezone
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Poster Session and Coffee


Location: Hotel Collegium Leoninum
Address: Noeggerathstraße 34 53111 Bonn Germany
Date: from 16 Sep 10:10 to 17 Sep 15:30


All Posters have a 3 minute slot to introduce their work

Contribution List

Displaying 7 contributions out of 7
Type: Poster Session: Poster Session and Coffee
Track: PAF theory and simulations
Presented by Dr. Anish ROSHI on 16/9/2019 at 8:10
Type: Poster Session: Poster Session and Coffee
Track: Misc (but PAF related)
Presented by Dr. Hyunwoo KANG on 16/9/2019 at 8:10
Type: Poster Session: Poster Session and Coffee
Track: PAF frontend technology
Presented by Sener TÜRK on 16/9/2019 at 8:10
Type: Poster Session: Poster Session and Coffee
Track: Misc (but PAF related)
Presented by Dr. Majid NOROOZIARAB on 16/9/2019 at 8:10
Type: Poster Session: Poster Session and Coffee
Track: Digital data processing and backend technology
Presented by Dr. Dongliang LIU on 16/9/2019 at 8:10
Type: Poster Session: Poster Session and Coffee
Track: Misc (but PAF related)
Presented by Przemyslaw Michal BRYNDZA on 16/9/2019 at 8:10
Type: Poster Session: Poster Session and Coffee
Track: PAF theory and simulations
Presented by Mr. Amr ELSAKKA on 16/9/2019 at 8:10